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Category: News

Scouts Easter Camp – April 2014

Posted on April 9th, 2014 by Carl Gaskell

This years Easter Camp took us for a long weekend to the Walter Davies Scout Activity Centre near Stoke Poges.

Despite being a little wet, we still managed to cram in 3 days worth of fun-packed Scouting activities – fire making, cooking on fires, survival skills, knife and axe work, sleeping in hammocks, leadership skills, crate stacking, aerial runway, friendship bracelet knotting, swimming and some great team games.


EC2014-10   EC2014-09   EC2014-05

EC2014-06 EC2014-11 EC2014-13

EC2014-04    EC2014-01

EC2014-02    EC2014-03


>> Read "Scouts Easter Camp – April 2014"

Ice Ice Baby

Posted on April 3rd, 2014 by Carl Gaskell

This week we ran a combined session for both the Wednesday and Friday scouts. We all went ice skating at the John Nike Ice Rink in Bracknell.

Skate 1 Skate 2 Skate 3 Skate 4 Skate 5 Skate 6

Skate 7




Can’t say there were many Torvill and Dean’s out there, but we all had a great time!




>> Read "Ice Ice Baby"

The Morris minors…

Posted on March 28th, 2014 by Carl Gaskell

This week our Wednesday Scouts tried their hands (and feet) at Morris Dancing.

A fun-filled evening with 50 of us bouncing around the HQ, (more-or-less) in time to the music..

Many thanks go to the Kennet Morris Men for their enthusiasm, and for coming to teach us their ‘moves’!

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>> Read "The Morris minors…"

Pancake Chaos

Posted on March 8th, 2014 by Steve McCarthy

It’s not often all the sections in the group run the same programme, but this week has been all about pancakes.

Starting last Saturday with the Riverbank Beavers and finishing yesterday with Friday Scouts, it’s all be about pancakes.

We think that comes to around 500 pancakes we made in the past week!

That’s a lot of pancake chaos.




>> Read "Pancake Chaos"

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