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Category: News

Zeus thunders in….

Posted on October 31st, 2014 by Carl Gaskell

A long, long time ago, in a faraway place..

Well, perhaps some time ago, at 3rd Reading Scouts…

There was only one Scout troop.

It was the Titans.

And it was on a Wednesday.

And it was good.

Over time, however, the group grew and as we took on more Scouts we opened an extra troop on Fridays.

The name ‘Titans’ was relegated to history.

And we had Wednesday Scouts and Friday Scouts.

And it was fine.

But now.. the Titans are back with a vengeance!

And joining them – as voted for by the Friday Scouts themselves – we have the Zeus Troop!

Let the fun begin!





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We’re Back!! Autumn Term 2014

Posted on September 5th, 2014 by Carl Gaskell

Just as the schools have now re-opened for their new school year, so too have the 3rd Reading Scout Group!!

We’re back again for our Autumn term, which this term will see us:

  • Night hiking
  • Cooking on Fires
  • Laser Quest
  • Diwali Night
  • Wide Games
  • WW1 Remembrance
  • and much, much more!

And all culminating with our ever-popular Winter Camp and Christmas parties – look out for details of these events and more coming soon!


In the meantime, some keys dates to remember – and of course, the Autumn term programme is available on the website here too.

Fri 5th Sept – Informal meeting. Games, no uniform

Wed 10th Sept – Meeting at Hut
Fri 12th Sept – No Scouts, as clashes with family camp

Wed 17th Sept – Meeting at Hut
Fri 19th Sept – Meeting at Hut


See you soon!!

The Leader Team


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Summer Camp 2014

Posted on August 3rd, 2014 by Carl Gaskell

This evening, we all returned from our Summer Expedition to Zedelgem – just South of Bruges, in Belgium.

That’s 27 Explorers, 42 Scouts and 14 Leaders – so a big trip for the 3rd.

We all had loads of fun – check out what we got up to here.

And now for a well-earned Summer rest!




>> Read "Summer Camp 2014"

Lest We Forget

Posted on June 22nd, 2014 by Steve McCarthy

This year 3rd Reading Scout Group is remembering all those who have lost their lives in wars.

All members of the group will be wearing their ‘Lest We Forget’ badge, to commemorate 100 years since the start of World War I

The Scouts and Explorers as part of their summer expedition to Belgium will be visiting the Tyne Cot cemetery where 9000 British soldiers are buried.

Later this year we will be taking part in the annual remembrance day parade in Caversham.

The badges, which all members of the group have been given, should be placed on the left breast of your uniform.

tc5tc4 tc3 tc2 tc1tc6

>> Read "Lest We Forget"

Cub Camp – May 2014

Posted on June 1st, 2014 by Carl Gaskell

This weekend our Cubs enjoyed a fun-filled, action-packed camp at Crays Pond in West Berkshire.

The weather was great, and they all got to cook on fires, go hiking, build chariots, learn backwoods and team building skills and we even had a bouncy castle!

I don’t know about the Cubs, but the leaders certainly came back in need of well-earned rest!

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2014 cub camp 03

>> Read "Cub Camp – May 2014"

Ski Saturday..

Posted on May 12th, 2014 by Carl Gaskell

This weekend the Cubs paid a visit to the John Nike Leisure in Bracknell for a session on the slopes.

Everyone had a great time, and I’m sure we’ll soon be seeing some budding young entrants for the Winter Olympics..

A big THANKYOU also goes to Caversham Vehicle Hire, who very kindly donated the use of a minibus for the day to ferry the kids to and from the centre.


2014-cubski-03   2014-cubski-01

>> Read "Ski Saturday.."

12½ & Over Camp 2014

Posted on May 9th, 2014 by Carl Gaskell

Each year around May/June time, the older Scouts get to go on a camp where we do something a little different. Last weekend was our 2014 trip, which this time took us to the Dorset coast, with the intention of going mackerel fishing on the high seas and cooking up a tasty meal with our hard-earned catches.

Alas, gale-force winds put paid Plan-A, and after a failure from Tescos to deliver our weekend food as well, we rapidly put Plan-B into action..

And so, with a hearty breakfast from a seaside cafe to start the day, and the sun slowly starting to shine, we all went crabbing (rather successfully!) off the coast of Swanage, followed by an 18-hole game of pitch and putt, and then over the chain-link ferry to go swimming at the fabulous water park, Splashdown, in Poole , before finally heading back to site and for a great evening BBQ.

After another overnight battering from the coastal winds, we again had to abandon plans for a cliff-top coastal ramble. But in true “Be Prepared” Scouting style, we switched again to Plan-B and all went for the day in Bournemouth, where we had a great walk along the beach, played on the funfair and in the Winter Gardens, and enjoyed some sightseeing in the local area, before crashing out in the minibus for the journey home.

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>> Read "12½ & Over Camp 2014"

Fire! Fire!

Posted on May 7th, 2014 by Carl Gaskell

This week our Scouts paid a visit to Caversham Fire Station, and got to see life as a fire fighter in Reading area.

They were able to get ‘hands on’ with some of the equipment and appliances used by the teams – and you can imagine how popular the hosepipes were…

Many thanks go to the kind members of Red/Green/Blue Watch who showed so many of us around and made it so interesting and entertaining.

Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service


2014 fire fire 04    2014 fire fire 03

2014 fire fire 05

2014 fire fire 02    2014 fire fire 01

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A Walk in the Dark…

Posted on April 28th, 2014 by Carl Gaskell

A lucky break in the weather meant for clear skies and perfect walking conditions as we set off for our evening/nighttime ramble around Berkshire this Saturday, and later the Scouts got to try their navigation skills in the dark.

The heavens opened overnight while we slept, but by the morning, the rains had stopped again and we all had bacon butties, before packing up and heading home.



>> Read "A Walk in the Dark…"

3 Towers Hike – A WIN !

Posted on April 14th, 2014 by Carl Gaskell

Last Saturday, 12th April was the annual Berkshire 3 Towers Hike. (

Team 5

This year, the 3rd Reading entered 7 teams –

3  Scout Teams (25km)
1  Scout Plus Team (40km)
1  Explorer Team (45km)
2  Adult Teams (20km)


Perfect walking conditions greeted all the hikers, and everyone made it round in great time.

An extra-special mention goes to our Scout-Plus walkers, who this year came first place in the 40km (24½m) hike, acheiving a round-trip time of an amazing 6h 50mins. Way to go guys!

Team 2Team 1


So the results

Scout Hike  (25km)

Alfie’s Angels : Gold Award – 6h 4mins

More Southview Strolling – Silver Award – 6h 33m

Fantastic Four – Bronze Award – 7h 51m

Scout Plus Hike (40km)

Crazy Buddahs Plus – Gold Award (& WINNERS)  – 6h 51m

Team 4

Explorer Hike (45km)

We Forgot our name – Silver Award – 9h 11m

Junket Hike (20km)

Hares – Silver Award – 5h 21m

Tortoises – Bronze Award – 5h 49m



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