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12.5 & Over Camp 2016

Posted on August 29th, 2016 by Steve McCarthy

At the end of June, 2 boats worth of Scouts & Explorers spent the weekend on the Grand Union canal.

We went through a grand total of 46 locks on a highly successful weekend.

The weather was kind and we got all the way to Leamington Spa where we explored before going a BBQ on the side of the river


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Lest We Forget

Posted on June 22nd, 2014 by Steve McCarthy

This year 3rd Reading Scout Group is remembering all those who have lost their lives in wars.

All members of the group will be wearing their ‘Lest We Forget’ badge, to commemorate 100 years since the start of World War I

The Scouts and Explorers as part of their summer expedition to Belgium will be visiting the Tyne Cot cemetery where 9000 British soldiers are buried.

Later this year we will be taking part in the annual remembrance day parade in Caversham.

The badges, which all members of the group have been given, should be placed on the left breast of your uniform.

tc5tc4 tc3 tc2 tc1tc6

>> Read "Lest We Forget"


Posted on March 24th, 2014 by Steve McCarthy

At the 3rd we are always on the look out for new Adult help.

Can you offer some help to work with the young people in our local area?

It’s always fun & rewarding.

If you can spare some time, please register your interest on our contact us page.

Thank you

>> Read "Volunteering"

3 Towers Practice Hike – April 2014

Posted on March 24th, 2014 by Steve McCarthy

Last Sunday was the last Scout practice hike before the 3 Towers hike on 12th April.

On a day of a mixture of wind, sunshine, showers and hail, all the teams did exceptionally well, the Scout Plus team clocking up a cool 20miles practice.

Good luck to all our teams

3 Scout Teams (25km)

1 Scout Plus Team (40km)

1 Explorer Team (45km)

1 Leader Team (20km)

>> Read "3 Towers Practice Hike – April 2014"

Beaver Camp – March 2014

Posted on March 9th, 2014 by Steve McCarthy

A group of intrepid Beavers set off on Beaver camp to Hurst this weekend.


Shortly after arriving they headed off to Dinton Pastures and had to plan their route for their Treasure Hunt.


They may not have found treasure, but they certainly found mud.


After a nights camping at the hut, they set off to Wokingham for a quick game of bowling. Strike !


and finally a well earned Sunday lunch.


>> Read "Beaver Camp – March 2014"

Pancake Chaos

Posted on March 8th, 2014 by Steve McCarthy

It’s not often all the sections in the group run the same programme, but this week has been all about pancakes.

Starting last Saturday with the Riverbank Beavers and finishing yesterday with Friday Scouts, it’s all be about pancakes.

We think that comes to around 500 pancakes we made in the past week!

That’s a lot of pancake chaos.




>> Read "Pancake Chaos"

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