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Category: Explorers

12.5 & Over Camp 2016

Posted on August 29th, 2016 by Steve McCarthy

At the end of June, 2 boats worth of Scouts & Explorers spent the weekend on the Grand Union canal.

We went through a grand total of 46 locks on a highly successful weekend.

The weather was kind and we got all the way to Leamington Spa where we explored before going a BBQ on the side of the river


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Summer Camp 2016

Posted on August 29th, 2016 by Carl Gaskell

Phew!! What a week!
We’ve all just returned from our annual Summer Camp, this year held near Brecon in South Wales.

The Summer Camp is one of our favourite camps each year. It combines both the Scout and Explorer sections at 3rd Reading, and being a week long, provides us with plenty of premium activities and opportunities for fun.

This camp was no exception, with White Water Rafting, Caving, Gorge Walking, Air Rifle Shooting, a visit to (and under!) Ystradfellte Waterfalls, Swimming, Funfairs, beach BBQs, cooking competitions, and of course the ever-popular Party Night, which this year went with a ‘Bling’ theme.

This years camp was a ‘Green field’ camp, which was fabulous and really took us back-to-basics – just a tap on a farmers field for clean water, and a nearby stream to paddle in. We were under canvass for everything… including the bathrooms! But the Scouts and Explorers loved it, and as the weather was reasonably kind to us too, we had plenty time to enjoy the sun and the great outdoors.

And now for a well-earned summer break… see you in the Autumn!!


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Summer Camp 2016 – Sign Up Here!

Posted on March 13th, 2016 by Carl Gaskell

Are you ready for an adventure??!!

life is an adventure

Summer Camp 2016 will again combine the both the Scouts and Explorers sections and take us to beautiful South Wales with it’s fabulous scenery, and many, many top attractions.

Transport, food and activities will all be provided, in what promises to be an amazing adventure!

Are you interested?

Then please register your interest below!



    Scout/Explorer Details




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Scouts Easter Camp 2016 – Sign Up Here

Posted on January 28th, 2016 by Carl Gaskell

We are all ready for Easter Camp 2016!!life is an adventure

This years camp will be a joint one for both Scouts and Explorers and will be based at Gilwell Park – the headquarters of the Scout Association in the UK.

Transport, food and activities will all be provided, in what promises to be a packed weekend.

We are using the Gilwell tented village, so depending on numbers, most of us wont even have to put a tent up!

The aim is to spend Saturday sightseeing some of the best London has to offer, with a probable visit to a top attraction.

We’ll all be experts on the tubes by the end of the day!

And on Sunday, we’ll take advantage of some of the fantastic onsite activities that Gilwell offers, before heading back to Reading.

Are you interested?

Alas, entries are now closed. Please see your leader if you still wish to attend camp!!

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Sponsored Abseil

Posted on January 11th, 2016 by Carl Gaskell


This weekend over 100 of our members are taking on a huge challenge.

We are attempting to Abseil continually for 24 hours from 10am Saturday to 10am Sunday.


We are raising money for the British Heart Foundation. If you would like to contribute, please do so at:


We are well on our way to our £1500 target


Many thanks to Youlbury Scout Activity Centre, the instructors and of course all the Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers who will be abseiling.


Good luck everyone!







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Summer Camp 2015 – Sleeping Preferences

Posted on July 2nd, 2015 by Carl Gaskell

scout tent


It’s not long now to Summer Camp 2015!!

We’re just finalising your sleeping arrangements.

Want to help? Talk to your friends and work out who you want to share with, following the instructions on the email you should have received, then let us know by filling in the form below.


The Leader Team



    Scout/Explorer Details






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Summer Camp 2015 – Sign Up Here!

Posted on March 19th, 2015 by Carl Gaskell

Preparations for the annual 3rd Reading Summer Camp are now well under way.

This year it will take us to Bude in Cornwall. Check your email for full details!

Thinking of joining us ??

Please complete the form below and let us know!




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Explorers Camp 2014

Posted on November 11th, 2014 by James Mortimer

Half Term started slightly more scarily for our Explorer Unit, with a trip to Scarefest 2014 at Alton Towers.

10 Explorers and 3 Leaders, headed off to Consall Scout Camp, where we arrived late Friday night.

All excited at what lay ahead, everyone was up and ready half an hour before we had planned to leave – that NEVER happens!

A full 12 hours in Alton Towers later, we were all exhausted, exhilarated and a few slightly more scared (mainly Helen who got a fright on Subterra – much to the delight of the explorers and leaders with her at the time!) after what has been termed as a pretty amazing day.

The highlight for everyone had to be riding the Smiler, which we rode twice, the second time in the dark.

Then yet another first occurred with the Explorers all heading to bed of their own accord, and luckily having an extra hours sleep thanks to the Clocks changing.

The next morning, we packed up and headed home!

Thanks for an amazing weekend, Thorpe Park next??????


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Summer Camp 2014

Posted on August 3rd, 2014 by Carl Gaskell

This evening, we all returned from our Summer Expedition to Zedelgem – just South of Bruges, in Belgium.

That’s 27 Explorers, 42 Scouts and 14 Leaders – so a big trip for the 3rd.

We all had loads of fun – check out what we got up to here.

And now for a well-earned Summer rest!




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