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Category: Beavers

Happy Birthday 3rd Reading Scout Group – 110 years old

Posted on September 10th, 2019 by Steve McCarthy


Happy Birthday 3rd Reading Scout Group!

This years marks the Group being 110 years old.

To celebrate, we had a Group family day on the Thames where our young members enjoyed a range of water sports including Raft Building, Kayaking, Paddle Boarding & Dragon Boats.

We were blessed with a lovely sunny day.

Thanks to all who made this happen.



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Parades, Trophies and Reptiles

Posted on November 12th, 2017 by Steve McCarthy

It has been a busy week at the 3rd.

Wednesday evening at Beavers, was only for the brave, tarantula’s, snakes and more reptiles came to visit one of our youngest sections. Judging by their gleeful faces there was no fear !


Wednesday and Friday saw the Scout section, performing their own remembrance evening by visiting the war memorials around Reading town centre and Caversham.

On Saturday night the 3rd Cubs & Scouts enter the District swimming gala. A fantastic evening was completed with the 3rd heading home with the winners trophies. Well done !! Great effort.


Finally to a sunny & cold Sunday morning, members of all sections joined the Caversham remembrance parade at Caversham War Memorial with young people from many other organisations.    Well done guys for representing the 3rd.

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3rd Camps 2017

Posted on January 2nd, 2017 by Steve McCarthy

Here’s a taste of what’s to come camping wise in 2017 & beyond ….


Friday 23rd to Sunday 25th June – Cub camp at Youlbury. time for a lotta fun

Saturday 22nd to Saturday 29th July – Scouts & Explorers – Summer camp to North Wales. Loads of fun and adventure

Friday 8th – Sunday 10th September – Family Camp, time for mum & dad to dust off their sleeping bag !

Friday 24th – Sunday 26th November – Winter Camp (provisional dates)


Saturday 21st July to Sunday 29th July – Scout & Explorer Summer camp to Ireland




>> Read "3rd Camps 2017"

New Adult Volunteers Needed!

Posted on September 17th, 2016 by Steve McCarthy

3rd Reading is always on the look out for new adults volunteers. Can you help?


We especially need new leaders for our sections, but are a busy group, so we will hopefully have a section to meet your needs.


If you can’t commit to a regular evening , how about volunteering to be on our finance or building/grounds committee?


Please go to the contact us page to make contact with us.

>> Read "New Adult Volunteers Needed!"

Sponsored Abseil at Youlbury

Posted on August 29th, 2016 by Steve McCarthy

It seems a long time ago now, but back in January, we completed our 24 hour sponsored abseil

Everyone was amazing, we had volunteers abseil from age 5 to age 70.

We survived, a never ending night, mud, so much mud, snow, ice, sun, rain, yes we had it all.

The guys and girls who abseiled through the night did amazingly well to keep it going.

It was all worth while , we made a total of £5k.


Well done !

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>> Read "Sponsored Abseil at Youlbury"

Beaver and Cub Camp June 2016 – Sign Up Here!

Posted on February 7th, 2016 by Carl Gaskell

Plans for this years joint Beaver and Cub camp are well underway, and you’re all invited!!!life is an adventure

This years camp will be held at Chalfont Heights Scout Campsite, in rural Bucks.

Transport, food and activities (including indoor caving, Zip wire, Abseiling and high wires) will all be provided, in what promises to be a action packed weekend.

Entries are now closed online. If you’d still like to go, see a leader at your next meet!

>> Read "Beaver and Cub Camp June 2016 – Sign Up Here!"

Sponsored Abseil

Posted on January 11th, 2016 by Carl Gaskell


This weekend over 100 of our members are taking on a huge challenge.

We are attempting to Abseil continually for 24 hours from 10am Saturday to 10am Sunday.


We are raising money for the British Heart Foundation. If you would like to contribute, please do so at:


We are well on our way to our £1500 target


Many thanks to Youlbury Scout Activity Centre, the instructors and of course all the Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers who will be abseiling.


Good luck everyone!







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Lest We Forget

Posted on June 22nd, 2014 by Steve McCarthy

This year 3rd Reading Scout Group is remembering all those who have lost their lives in wars.

All members of the group will be wearing their ‘Lest We Forget’ badge, to commemorate 100 years since the start of World War I

The Scouts and Explorers as part of their summer expedition to Belgium will be visiting the Tyne Cot cemetery where 9000 British soldiers are buried.

Later this year we will be taking part in the annual remembrance day parade in Caversham.

The badges, which all members of the group have been given, should be placed on the left breast of your uniform.

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>> Read "Lest We Forget"

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