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Explorers Camp 2014

Posted on November 11th, 2014 by James Mortimer

Half Term started slightly more scarily for our Explorer Unit, with a trip to Scarefest 2014 at Alton Towers.

10 Explorers and 3 Leaders, headed off to Consall Scout Camp, where we arrived late Friday night.

All excited at what lay ahead, everyone was up and ready half an hour before we had planned to leave – that NEVER happens!

A full 12 hours in Alton Towers later, we were all exhausted, exhilarated and a few slightly more scared (mainly Helen who got a fright on Subterra – much to the delight of the explorers and leaders with her at the time!) after what has been termed as a pretty amazing day.

The highlight for everyone had to be riding the Smiler, which we rode twice, the second time in the dark.

Then yet another first occurred with the Explorers all heading to bed of their own accord, and luckily having an extra hours sleep thanks to the Clocks changing.

The next morning, we packed up and headed home!

Thanks for an amazing weekend, Thorpe Park next??????


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