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Ski Saturday..

Posted on May 12th, 2014 by Carl Gaskell

This weekend the Cubs paid a visit to the John Nike Leisure in Bracknell for a session on the slopes.

Everyone had a great time, and I’m sure we’ll soon be seeing some budding young entrants for the Winter Olympics..

A big THANKYOU also goes to Caversham Vehicle Hire, who very kindly donated the use of a minibus for the day to ferry the kids to and from the centre.


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12½ & Over Camp 2014

Posted on May 9th, 2014 by Carl Gaskell

Each year around May/June time, the older Scouts get to go on a camp where we do something a little different. Last weekend was our 2014 trip, which this time took us to the Dorset coast, with the intention of going mackerel fishing on the high seas and cooking up a tasty meal with our hard-earned catches.

Alas, gale-force winds put paid Plan-A, and after a failure from Tescos to deliver our weekend food as well, we rapidly put Plan-B into action..

And so, with a hearty breakfast from a seaside cafe to start the day, and the sun slowly starting to shine, we all went crabbing (rather successfully!) off the coast of Swanage, followed by an 18-hole game of pitch and putt, and then over the chain-link ferry to go swimming at the fabulous water park, Splashdown, in Poole , before finally heading back to site and for a great evening BBQ.

After another overnight battering from the coastal winds, we again had to abandon plans for a cliff-top coastal ramble. But in true “Be Prepared” Scouting style, we switched again to Plan-B and all went for the day in Bournemouth, where we had a great walk along the beach, played on the funfair and in the Winter Gardens, and enjoyed some sightseeing in the local area, before crashing out in the minibus for the journey home.

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Fire! Fire!

Posted on May 7th, 2014 by Carl Gaskell

This week our Scouts paid a visit to Caversham Fire Station, and got to see life as a fire fighter in Reading area.

They were able to get ‘hands on’ with some of the equipment and appliances used by the teams – and you can imagine how popular the hosepipes were…

Many thanks go to the kind members of Red/Green/Blue Watch who showed so many of us around and made it so interesting and entertaining.

Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service


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A Walk in the Dark…

Posted on April 28th, 2014 by Carl Gaskell

A lucky break in the weather meant for clear skies and perfect walking conditions as we set off for our evening/nighttime ramble around Berkshire this Saturday, and later the Scouts got to try their navigation skills in the dark.

The heavens opened overnight while we slept, but by the morning, the rains had stopped again and we all had bacon butties, before packing up and heading home.



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3 Towers Hike – A WIN !

Posted on April 14th, 2014 by Carl Gaskell

Last Saturday, 12th April was the annual Berkshire 3 Towers Hike. (

Team 5

This year, the 3rd Reading entered 7 teams –

3  Scout Teams (25km)
1  Scout Plus Team (40km)
1  Explorer Team (45km)
2  Adult Teams (20km)


Perfect walking conditions greeted all the hikers, and everyone made it round in great time.

An extra-special mention goes to our Scout-Plus walkers, who this year came first place in the 40km (24½m) hike, acheiving a round-trip time of an amazing 6h 50mins. Way to go guys!

Team 2Team 1


So the results

Scout Hike  (25km)

Alfie’s Angels : Gold Award – 6h 4mins

More Southview Strolling – Silver Award – 6h 33m

Fantastic Four – Bronze Award – 7h 51m

Scout Plus Hike (40km)

Crazy Buddahs Plus – Gold Award (& WINNERS)  – 6h 51m

Team 4

Explorer Hike (45km)

We Forgot our name – Silver Award – 9h 11m

Junket Hike (20km)

Hares – Silver Award – 5h 21m

Tortoises – Bronze Award – 5h 49m



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Scouts Easter Camp – April 2014

Posted on April 9th, 2014 by Carl Gaskell

This years Easter Camp took us for a long weekend to the Walter Davies Scout Activity Centre near Stoke Poges.

Despite being a little wet, we still managed to cram in 3 days worth of fun-packed Scouting activities – fire making, cooking on fires, survival skills, knife and axe work, sleeping in hammocks, leadership skills, crate stacking, aerial runway, friendship bracelet knotting, swimming and some great team games.


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Ice Ice Baby

Posted on April 3rd, 2014 by Carl Gaskell

This week we ran a combined session for both the Wednesday and Friday scouts. We all went ice skating at the John Nike Ice Rink in Bracknell.

Skate 1 Skate 2 Skate 3 Skate 4 Skate 5 Skate 6

Skate 7




Can’t say there were many Torvill and Dean’s out there, but we all had a great time!




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The Morris minors…

Posted on March 28th, 2014 by Carl Gaskell

This week our Wednesday Scouts tried their hands (and feet) at Morris Dancing.

A fun-filled evening with 50 of us bouncing around the HQ, (more-or-less) in time to the music..

Many thanks go to the Kennet Morris Men for their enthusiasm, and for coming to teach us their ‘moves’!

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Next Stop… Belgium!

Posted on March 24th, 2014 by Carl Gaskell

The clock is ticking now. Preparations are well underway for our annual Summer Camp, which this year takes us to Belgium.

What’s the plan?

There’s simply loads in store! Want to know more? Here’s a sneek peek at some of what we’re hoping to offer…

  • A day out on Railbikes (check it out)
  • Land Yachting in De Panne
  • Explore Bruges…
    • by foot
    • by bike
    • by horse and cart
    • by canal boat
    • go up the tower
    • explore the market and market square
  • Swimming at a local pool
  • Visit some beaches (check them out)
  • Activity day (including BMX, High ropes, Archery and Kayaking on a local canal)
  • An evening in Ghent (see here)
  • Explore the small Dutch town of Sluis with its quaint streets, market and windmill

And of course….

  • The PARTY NIGHT!!!!


How’s the meals looking?

Well, for 5 nights, we will take the opportunity to use the hospitality of the site and use their catering for a 3 course meal. (don’t get used to this for future camps!!)

We’ll also find a takeaway one night in the local town of Ghent.

And finally the party night – we’ll have a buffet or BBQ.


How are we getting there?

We’re all going by minibus – in fact a fleet of them! Then we’ll be jumping on the ferry for an approx midday crossing.

The route is Dover to Calais. The ferry crossing take approx 1.5-2 hours, and the site is about an hour from Calais.


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