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Executive Committees

The Group Executive Committee plays a vital role in the running of a Scout Group.

The Executive and Sub Committees make decisions and carry out administrative tasks to ensure the best quality support for the leadership team providing Scouting to its members.

Why not support the group and join one of these Committees? They would appreciate the help!

To contact any of these committees, please see the contact us pagegroup executive committee

Our Committees

The Group Executive

The Purpose of this committee is to oversee all non-Scouting elements of the Group. Eg Finances, buildings etc



This committee focuses on all the administrative side of adult and child membership. It also has responsibility for our CRBs, Website, Leader Training & Young Leaders. It also ensures we know who all our adult and child members are.



This committee supports the group in all financial aspects covering accounts, subs and all income into the Group. It provides a place where requests for expenditure can be authorised and reported to the Group Executive Committee. It also looks to create fund raising opportunities.


Buildings and Grounds

This committee looks after all of our assets – the grounds, the building and all of our equipment. The team are responsible for both maintenance and new projects. The Cleaning Manager and Quartermaster are part of this group



This committee looks to take on significant projects. These may relate to the Leader teams or cut across any of the other committees



This committee looks to create better links to our local community & includes our link with St. Peters Church.


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